Verified Co - Protecting Spammed Calls
Mobile Numbers CLI SPAM Protect

Outbound Mobile CLI numbers have much higher answer ratios than fixed-line CLI numbers.

Increase answer ratios

Launching soon!


Use Mobile CLI with CLI SPAM Protect CLI Verify to maximise answer ratios

The Verified Company is one of the first wholesale voice providers in South Africa to provide Mobile CLI numbers and fixed-line geographic and non-geographic CLI numbers on a single platform with failover between these two types of voice traffic. We are proud to have interconnected with Vodacom Business for the Mobile CLI voice product to exponentially expand our voice capability using our existing fixed-line interconnects with all the other tier-1 telcos like Vodacom, MTN, Cell C, Telkom Mobile, and Telkom fixed-line. We provide this unique voice offering to both direct customers and channel partners. 

The primary reason for contact centres wanting to use Mobile CLI numbers is to improve answer ratios. People are naturally more inclined to answer calls from mobile numbers than calls coming from fixed-line numbers.  

However, to really take your answer ratios to the next level, we advise that the Mobile CLI voice product be used with either CLI SPAM Protect or CLI Verify.

Well, as much as calls from mobile numbers will increase answer ratios … initially… after a period of using these Mobile CLI numbers, answer ratios will quickly decrease to something very similar to what you are experiencing without using our CLI Protect and CLI Verify products – mainly for two reasons:

  1. Just like geographic fixed-line numbers (011, 012, 021….), Mobile CLI numbers (082, 083, 084…) can also be spammed and blocked. 
  2. Whether you use fixed-line or Mobile CLI numbers – unknown calls also significantly contribute to unanswered calls regardless of whether they have spam reports or not. 

With CLI SPAM Protect and CLI Verify, your outbound CLI numbers (whether it be Fixed-line or Mobile CLI numbers) will be SPAM-protected, safe and trusted. 

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The Verified Company helps you build trust with customers, secure and identify your calls, and analyze call performance to drive better results. Schedule a demo today and be on your way to reaching more customers.