Verified Co - Protecting Spammed Calls
CLI Spam Protect (Black)

Connect with more customers

Decrease the impact of SPAM and Blocked Calls

Stand out from the noise... Be trusted, get more calls answered, and see results.

CLI Protect keeps your business .

Use our “Verified Call” registered product company to protect your outbound calls and inspire trust to answer your calls.

Radically increase the probability of clients answering your calls by allowing the “Verified Call” to handle your calls while displaying the outbound CLI of the “Verified Call”. CLI Protect will be ideal for the collections and sales industries where Answer Success Ratios is a critical lead indicator to success.

CLI Protect exponentially increases contactability. With CLI Protect, your clients will receive a call that is seen as reputable.

Jim Collins said: “Nothing move as fast as the speed of TRUST”… Speed up your results and decrease the impact of SPAM and Blocked calls with CLI Protect while maintaining trust with no one being able to rename or label CLI Protect numbers.

improve answer ratios

Speak to more customers

Spammed Calls

Represent your brand as trusted and safe

spammed calls

Zero tampering with the brand context

spammed calls

Stand out from the noise

spammed calls

Never let anyone label your CLI again

Mobile CLI Numbers

Mobile CLI Numbers

Unleash your potential and get better results.


Call Reason

Start communicating before they even answer your call.

Give your customer a reason to answer your call by adding the relevant context to the CLI number.

Mobile CLI Numbers

Displaying and receiving calls via a Verified, Trusted, Mobile CLI number​

Available Now!!

Let's get you started!

See it for yourself

The Verified Company helps you build trust with customers, secure and identify your calls, and analyse call performance to drive better results. Schedule a demo today and be on your way to reaching more customers.